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Your first feeling of attraction

Category: By Bobby
How do you know when you are attracted to someone? I have noticed that whenever I am attracted to someone, the first sign is always the feeling you get when your eyes meet. Its that strange feeling that makes you shiver within yourself and your eyes are locked on to hers as if by some unknown force holding it together and you cant take your eyes away. This is when you can be 100% sure that there is a mutual feeling of attraction between the 2 of you. However strange the feeling is, it is so wonderful that you actually wait for the next time for it to happen again. Thats how you get restless each day to see that special someone who has attracted you and you eagerly wait for your eyes to lock again, and even though you are too shy to look, it so happens that your eyes still engaged each time you see her. Isn't it a great feeling. I am sure everyone has had that feeling and everyone looks forward to that each day when the relationship is just fresh.

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